Not really IP, but it is Funny.
First, Larry Bodine posts on how Patrick Lamb is now the King of Blawgs because he has the most hits on Then, Tom Mighell posts on Between Lawyers about how to really measure who is the top blawg.
What is funny is what actually measures. It measures clicks. Thus, if you sit there and vote for yourself over and over and over again (which you can do) quickly move to the top.
I'm not saying that Patrick has clicked his own blog's name 16000 times, who knows who made those clicks. What I am saying is that the "most popular" measures nothing useful.
So...if your blawg isn't on the "most popular" list...happy clicking. could pick some obscure blawg and vote for them.
[Image from "Pat on the back apparatus" USPN 4,608,967]
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